Writing Up 35%

Writing Up 35%
Pastor Daniel R. Grandberry

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Remember Me

Dear G.M family,

For the whole month of April, let us set aside the time to contemplate on the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, remembering the sacrifice that He made so that we might have eternal life. Let’s not become part of the commercialism that will be displayed throughout. Remember, Easter is not about buying new clothes, Easter egg hunting nor is it about a big bunny rabbit…

So, starting April 1, I would like for you to begin reading verses and meditating on what Jesus Christ did for you:
First Week: St. Luke Chap. 19-24
Second Week: St. John. Chap. 12-18
Third Week: St. John Chap. 19-21
Fourth Week: Mark. Chap. 15-16. Matt. 28, Acts. Chap. 1-2

Let us come to service, each Tuesday, Friday night and Sunday morning worship ready to give Jesus the Praise….

Elder Daniel R. Grandberry, Pastor

Monday, March 28, 2011

Unprecedented Miracle

In order for God to give us an unprecedented miracle there must be an unprecedented situation that you are facing. Unprecedented means unparalleled, unique, unmatched, and you having no record of anyone going through something like what you are facing. Many of God’s people in 2011 have been facing some unparalleled and unique, situations…so I came to tell you that you are the right candidate for what God is about to do in the next three months!

God doesn’t need any reference point, nothing to start with in order to bless you…He doesn’t need your resume nor your address to work a miracle in your favor; He knows where you live. Remember this one thing; the Bible said that the world was created by God out of nothing. He just spoke it into existence.

Just like He spoke the world into existence, He will speak your miracle into existence.

Elder Daniel R. Grandberry, Pastor

Monday, March 21, 2011

Shoe Testimony

When John the Baptist saw the coming of Jesus Christ he said “I am not worthy to UN-tie the straps that are on His shoes." When I thought about this verse, what came to mind are the untold stories of our shoes. If our shoes could talk I wonder what stories they would tell. Just think about, all the places that we’ve gone, people that we visited, being in the presence of different conversations; I wonder what they would say. The journey of our life can be difficult at times but I just wonder what our shoes would say. Would they be proud of us or shameful of the different places they have gone? What would their testimony be?

Just remember Jesus’ shoes witnessed the gospel being preached to the poor, the blind receiving their sight, the dead being raised, sick bodies being healed, and walking Him to the Cross…but when they put Him on the cross they removed His shoes and nailed His feet to the cross. Yes, His shoes witnessed His crucifixion. But you know that’s not how the story ended…His shoes witnessed Him being raised from the dead with all POWER in His hand! So think about it; if your shoes could tell your story, what would they say?

Elder Daniel R. Grandberry, Pastor……G.M You Know!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Power Box

I was in a meeting the other day, and the conversation was about how can we as a plant (Chrysler) save money in house. I sat there and watched people one by one begin to raise their hands. Someone said, “we can turn off computers and lights when we leave the plant”. A supervisor at the table said, “Yes, yes we can even shut off some of the power boxes.”

After that remark there was a hand raised in the distance, he stated his name and that he was just a skilled tradesman. He said, “Sir, we need to be very careful about turning off power boxes; if you turn off the wrong power box we cannot start up the plant. Without power, trucks cannot be built, people cannot work and there would be no running water."

I thought about this man’s statement and said to myself…in our effort to accomplish many things, driving our children to different events and working long hours, we must keep our power box turned on. Without the power of God we would not be able to build our lives; there would be no flowing water of the Holy Spirit, and we cannot effectively work for God. It’s not by might nor by our strength but by the Holy Spirit said the Lord. Remember on this week to keep your power box on.

Things to do to keep your power box on; pray every day, read your Bible, and come to Church!

~Elder Daniel R. Grandberry, Pastor

G.M… You Know!!!!