Writing Up 35%

Writing Up 35%
Pastor Daniel R. Grandberry

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What did it cost?

One Man, One Cross and Three Nails:

No one has ever died like Jesus, when I think of what he had to endure, the pain, the agony, and the anguish, all to bring us back into a right relationship with our Heavenly Father we can surely say no one ever will die like him. The price was to costly: no amount of money, gold, nor precious stone would be sufficient. Jesus loved us so, that He gave his own life and blood to set us free from the Sin and the power of darkness that we might worship Him our Lord with a free spirit. Yes it cost Jesus his life to pay the prices for our sins…praise the Lord!!!

So when you get down in your spirit, feel like you want to give in or give up, when the devil comes to bring accusations, indictment, or blame: tell yourself that it cost Jesus to much for you to set in defeat…so get up, step out and begin to move towards your destiny, remember Jesus Love you!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

There is no loser in me

I want to tell you “There is no loser in you!” When you think about who you are and who’s you are, all of what Jesus Christ has done for you, what He has invested in you to bring you to a prosperous place, you can face your day with this word in your spirit: “There is no loser in me!” You can do all things through Christ that strengthens you. You are created in His Divine Image, how can you lose?! You have His DNA in you; I say again how can you lose…you are a winner!!!

1. Have a winning attitude
2. Stand on His Word
3. Keep a praise for Jesus in your heart

Eld. Daniel R. Grandberry