Having a vision makes the difference between success and failure, victory and defeat, prosperity and poverty. The Bible speaks to us in the book of Prov. 29:18, "Where there is no vision, the people perish". The word perish means there is no restraint. The word restraint means self-control or imprisonment. In other words when a person lives their life without having a vision they will have a life that is out of control and they become bonded by things, people, and situations. For example, you take a person who is naturally blind; they are in darkness and cannot see the beauty of the world and the faces of people around them. When we lack spiritual vision we suffer even a greater setback.
In Matt. 14:22-33, Jesus had sent His disciples to the other side of the lake. They got into a boat and began to sail towards the place of their destination. While in the middle of the sea a storm arose and Jesus came to His disciples walking on the water in the midst of the storm. Because of the violence of the storm, the disciples perceived Jesus to be a ghost. Fear can distort your vision,but Peter stood above the rest and said, “Jesus if it be you, permit me to come” or permit me to step out of this boat and do something that defies nature. You would think that Jesus would tell Peter "No! Are you crazy Peter? No man can walk on water!". But Jesus spoke to Peter and said “Come, step out from the rest of your brothers, and out of the boat that confines you...and come out here with me…". Peter stepped out of the boat and as he fastened his eyes on Jesus, began to walk on water. I can hear the rest of the disciples saying “Hey look, Peter is walking on water. Is he out of his mind?". Peter was doing well until he took his eyes off Jesus. He lost the vision. He began to take notice of the storms around him. The waves and the wind blowing was just a distraction. Distractions can cause you to lose sight of what you were called to do. But while Peter was sinking he cried out to Jesus and said “Lord Save Me!!!" and Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up. This teaches us that as long as we keep our eyes on Jesus and keep the vision before us, we can do anything…even defy the very laws of nature. Come out from around people who are afraid to move forward, step out of the thing that confines you, never listen to the storm, and most important, by all means Keep your eyes on Jesus.
~Pastor Daniel R. Grandberry….G.M You Know!!!
c/o Sis. Jennifer D. Smith
Gordy Memorial COGIC
Public Relations
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