Writing Up 35%

Writing Up 35%
Pastor Daniel R. Grandberry

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Keep Digging

It is a known fact that when they were building the Sears Tower in Chicago, IL, being one of the tallest buildings in the United States, they dug as deep as the building was erected (stories 110 to the height 1,451 feet). Every day the workers would bring in heavy equipment for digging and people would gather around to watch the workers work. Often times people would shout out “Hey, how far down do you have to dig?” The workers would reply, “Until we hit bedrock.” Bedrock was the solid foundation that builders must reach before they could start building. The people were waiting to see the long expected building that was talked about to be one of the tallest, beautiful wonders of the world. I mean if you grow up in Chicago you would think so, but here was the revelation; the workers weren’t building for beauty only but for safety. They knew that in order for the building to stand the test of storms and strong winds that blew off the lake, they had to dig deep until they hit the bed-rock.

My words for you this week are to keep on digging. God is building something beautiful with your life but you must keep digging: there must be a commitment, hard work, a consistent prayer life, and time spent with God in the Word. You must dig deep to withstand the storms of life. Progress is not measured by one day but it’s measured over time. You’re farther than you were last year and closer than you were on yesterday…So keep digging until you hit bed-rock.

Remember; Never ever give up!

“Upon this Rock I will build my church and the very gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matt. 16:18

~Elder Daniel R. Grandberry, Pastor

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