Writing Up 35%

Writing Up 35%
Pastor Daniel R. Grandberry

Thursday, November 17, 2011

You will not see the wind, neither will you see rain...

You will not see the wind, neither will you see rain:
2 King 3:16-18

Sometimes when we are waiting on God to perform a Miracle for us we can become distracted about the “How” rather then the “What”. We are consumed by how God is going to do what He said. I want you to know that when God makes you a promise you can rest in His Word. Don’t worry about the How; how He’s going to do it, when He’s going to do it, and where He’s going to do it. Just know that God is not a man that He should lie, if He said it He will perform it. First of all He knows us better than we know ourselves: He knows our needs, desires, our limitations, strengths, weakness, and yes what really hinders us from believing totally on Him.

In 2 Kings 3:16, God spoke to the prophet Elisha in a time when the nation of Israel was up against their known enemy, the Moabites. Israel was physically, emotionally and spiritually drained. At this point they were no match for their enemies: they need water but the valley was dry: have you ever been in a place where you just needed a miracle? This was the situation that Israel found themselves in, up against the enemy, tired, no water to drink, beat down. They needed a miracle. I know that some of you might be in this same place…bills mounting up, and no job, sick in your body and no health insurance, car bill due, baby needs a new pair of shoes, waiting on your next pay check, don’t know what you’re going to do…your saying Lord I need a Miracle!

God told Elisha to tell Israel to make this valley full of ditches: before God can do what He wants to do in our life, before the Miracle happen we need to prepare for it…make room for God’s blessing. Dig your ditches means to prepare your Faith, and get an attitude of praise and worship. Notice that this is the only command that God gave Israel…to dig. God is not going to dig ditches for us…we’ve got to believe God for ourselves, we’ve got to trust God, and we must praise Him and do our part. Watch what happened: when Israel dug their ditches in the valley God said that they will not see the wind nor the rain. This miracle is not going to happen in the traditional way. But God is going to do a new thing in this season for you my brother and my sister. Do not expect God to work the same way Your blessing is going to come in a unexpected way. It will not come by the wind or the rain but the valley will be full of water. God will fill your valley with water…God will fill your house with His glory, supply your needs, fill your unemployment with employment, you sick body with healing and yes your empty bank account with finances. Listen to what God said, “And you shall drink…”, not only will God fill your valley but you will be able to enjoy what He has provided for you. So make preparation for your miracle, and watch God fill your valley and get ready to drink. God said in the 18th verse, “And this is but a light thing in the sight of the LORD: he will deliver the Moabites also into your hand.” Oh yes I forgot to tell you; after God fills your Valley He will also give you the victory over the very thing that has been attacking you! It’s not a hard thing with God but a light thing. What a mighty God we serve. So don’t worry about the how, but know that God is more than able. It’s a light thing with God to give you that job. It’s a light thing with God to give you the desires of your Heart. Trust Him today!!!

Elder Daniel R. Grandberry, Pastor

G.M…you know!!!

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